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Eader Elementary

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Our Mission

Our mission as the Eader School Community is to provide a safe, creative, challenging learning environment for all students. We do this by working as a team, creatively using all of our resources available, and by modeling our expectations. Eader students will reach their full learning potential and be assets to our society.

“It’s a great day…to be an Eader Eagle!”

An exemplary school provides a warm, inviting climate that enables students to enjoy their elementary school experience and results in a shared sense of pride in the school. At Eader School, the following commitments guide our actions toward our shared vision:

  • All students can learn and achieve high standards of learning.
  • Students need to not only develop a deep understanding of essential knowledge and skills, but also need to develop the capacity to apply their learning, and to reason, solve problems, and produce quality work.
  • Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.​
  • A safe and supportive learning environment promotes student achievement.
  • The development of the curriculum, design of instructional activities, and the use of assessment measures are focused on providing learning opportunities and feedback systems that enable students to achieve success.
  • The allocation of our resources (e.g. staffing, time, instructional resources, facilities, financial resources) in alignment with our mission and goals helps to maximize the opportunity for students to learn and experience success in schools.
  • Effective collaboration and communication with families, as partners in the education of their children, is essential to the success of our school.
  • Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community share the responsibility for advancing the school’s mission and goals.
  • Diversity enriches our school through the recognition of the contributions of a variety of ideas, values, and cultures.